Decision-making tool for complaint investigators

Complaint investigators need multiple skills to carry out their role effectively. They need to be good listeners, project planners, critical thinkers, reasoned decision makers, effective communicators and change managers. Investigators within an organisation also act as critical friend to their own organisation similar to the work of internal auditors. This can be a difficult balance to achieve and even harder to demonstrate.

This tool has been designed to help guide investigators through this challenging process.

This resource is intended mainly for use by people with an interest in the investigation stage of a complaint (also referred to as Stage 2).  

Steps within the decision-making tool:

Are you decision ready?

Step 1: What questions are you answering?

Step 2: Planning and information gathering

Step 3: Evaluating the evidence

Step 4: Reaching a decision

Step 5: Communicating the decision

Step 6: Remedy, Learning and Improving

We welcome your feedback on any aspect of this document.  Please contact us with your feedback.


Updated: July 22, 2022