Case ref:201507706
Date:January 2017
Body:Lothian NHS Board
Outcome:Not upheld, no recommendations
Subject:clinical treatment / diagnosis
Ms C was admitted to the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. She complained that her care and treatment during her two-day admission was not reasonable. She also complained about record-keeping.
Ms C said that during her admission, an earlier misdiagnosis of personality disorder was relied upon and a more recent diagnosis of post partum psychosis (the onset of psychotic symptoms following childbirth) was ignored. Ms C also said that her medical records did not reasonably portray where she wished to go after her discharge.
During our investigation we took independent advice from a consultant psychiatrist. We found no evidence that the board had relied upon the diagnosis of personality disorder that had been previously made, nor that they had ignored the more recent diagnosis of post partum psychosis. We also found that the care and treatment provided to Ms C during her admission was reasonable. Finally, we found that medical records relating to where Ms C wished to go after her discharge were reasonable. We therefore did not uphold Ms C's complaints.