Investigation Report TS.198-03

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    April 2005
  • Body:
    Dental Practitioner Lothian Area
  • Sector:

The complainant (Mr C) received treatment and regular check-ups from his Dentist (Dentist 1) over a four year period from the end of 1996 until March 2001. He returned to the Dental Practice in November 2001 and was told by a different Dentist that he had bad gum disease. Mr C was shocked by this as he said Dentist 1 never told him that he had a problem with gum disease. Mr C complained via the local Primary Care NHS Trust but he was dissatisfied with the response. An Independent Review Panel considered his complaint and concluded that he had experienced an acute episode of his periodontal condition (gum disease) towards the end of 2001 which caused a rapid deterioration of his oral condition. The Panel also concluded that this could not be attributed to any lack of care provided by Dentist 1.

Updated: December 11, 2018