Investigation Report 200502165

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    July 2007
  • Body:
    A Medical Practice, Forth Valley NHS Board
  • Sector:


The complainant Mr C raised a number of concerns about the care and treatment provided by two General Practitioners (GP 1 and GP 2) to his mother (Mrs A) prior to her death.

Specific complaints and conclusions

The complaints which have been investigated are that:

  • (a)       GP 1 and GP 2 failed to respond appropriately to Mrs A's symptoms (upheld);
  • (b)       GP 1 failed to refer Mrs A to the pain clinic quickly enough (not upheld); and
  • (c)       GP 1's letter referring Mrs A to the pain clinic was inadequate (upheld).

Redress and recommendations

The Ombudsman recommends that:

  • (i)        both GP 1 and GP 2 raise this case at their annual appraisal with a view to incorporating further training on recognising the progress of cancer into their continuing professional development;
  • (ii)       GP 1 raises this case at her annual appraisal to ensure that she fully understands which information should appropriately be included in referral letters.; and
  • (iii)      the Practice apologise to Mr C for the shortcomings identified in this report.

The Practice have accepted the recommendations and will act on them accordingly.

Updated: December 11, 2018