Investigation Report 200603770

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    July 2008
  • Body:
    A Medical Practice, Ayrshire and Arran NHS Board
  • Sector:

Mrs C complained that there had been a significant delay in diagnosing her late husband (Mr C)'s kidney condition and, further, that he had not been told he was suffering from kidney problems for some months.  Mr C had been treated as an emergency by Crosshouse Hospital in February 2005.  He attended his GP Practice (the Practice) over the following months before being admitted as an in-patient to Ayr Hospital on 19 January 2006 where, sadly, he died on 30 January 2006.  Mrs C said that Mr C had been diagnosed with a serious kidney condition while being treated as an out-patient in June 2005 but that this had never been communicated to him.

Specific complaints and conclusions
The complaints which have been investigated are that:
(a) there was a delay in diagnosing Mr C's kidney condition and his treatment for this was inadequate (not upheld); and
(b) information about Mr C's kidney condition was not appropriately communicated to him (not upheld).

Redress and recommendations
The Ombudsman has made no recommendations.

Updated: December 11, 2018