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Investigation Report 201908445

  • Report no:
  • Date:
    March 2022
  • Body:
    Water Plus Select Ltd
  • Sector:

C complained about the water provider for their business, Water Plus. Their complaints fell into three main categories - that Water Plus had failed to accurately bill them for water; that Water Plus had failed to reasonably communicate with them; and that Water Plus had failed to reasonably handle their subsequent complaints about these matters.

On investigation, we faced significant difficulties accessing Water Plus's records, with Water Plus either being unable or unwilling to provide us with the information we requested. However, the evidence we received from the complainant was sufficient for us to reach clear conclusions that failings had occurred in a number of areas. In particular, there was significant confusion and mishandling within Water Plus's billing system and it was not possible to conclude that this was fit for purpose for Scottish Customers.

We also found that Water Plus were using a number of third party organisations to provide aspects of their service to customers, but were unable to clearly explain the structure of the relationship with these third parties and this had introduced considerable additional confusion into the process.

Lastly, we considered it clear that Water Plus had failed to fully investigate all of the issues C had raised and their record-keeping of their complaints investigation was incomplete.

On the basis of these points, we upheld all of C's complaints. 


Redress and Recommendations 

The Ombudsman's recommendations are set out below:

What we are asking Water Plus to do for C:

Complaint number

What we found

What the organisation should do

What we need to see


Water Plus failed to bill C reasonably or accurately for their water services.

Apologise to C for failing to bill C reasonably or accurately.

The apology should meet the standards set out in the SPSO guidelines on apology available at

A copy of, or evidence of the apology.

By: One month from the date of the final report

(b) Water Plus failed to handle C's complaints reasonably.

Apologise to C for failing to handle their complaints reasonably.

The apology should meet the standards set out in the SPSO guidelines on apology available at

A copy of, or evidence of the apology.

By: One month from the date of the final report.

We are asking Water Plus to improve the way they do things:

Complaint number

What we found

Outcome needed

What we need to see

(a) It was not possible to be confident that Water Plus had a billing system that was fit for purpose for Scottish customers. Water Plus should arrange for an independent audit of its billing processes for the Scottish Market, including a review of the integration of their Scottish billing system into the wider Water Plus billing system.

A copy of the audit findings.

By: within six months of the date of this report.

(a) Water Plus failed to explain the nature of their relationship with their partner organisations, or whether delays in payments being processed had been fully investigated. Water Plus should be able to provide anyone with a clear explanation of their organisational structure and should publish details on their website, setting out clearly what operations are performed by partner organisations.

A clear explanation of Water Plus's structure and relationships with partner organisations.

By: within three months of the date of this report.

We are asking Water Plus to improve their complaints handling:

Complaint number

What we found

Outcome needed

What we need to see


Water Plus failed to investigate fully all the issues raised by C's complaint and the complaint file appears to be incomplete.

Water Plus should have a complaints handling process that is fit for purpose.


Evidence that an audit or assessment has been made of current complaints handling systems and an action plan implemented to address any findings, including appropriate training for all staff involved.

By: Within six months of the date of this report.

Updated: March 23, 2022