Sharing Intelligence for Health and Care Group annual report published

SPSO is a member of Healthcare Improvement Scotland's Sharing Intelligence for Health and Care Group (SIHCG).

Today we are pleased to share the annual report of the group's work in 2019-20, on behalf of Healthcare Improvement Scotland. This is the fifth annual report from the group.

The report summarises key points about the work carried out by the group between April 2019 and March 2020 – a time period that largely predates the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland. It describes how the group works, and also what it learned from – and how it responded to – the intelligence it looked at. Health and care systems are currently in the process of restarting many services, and the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact on front line services for a considerable time to come. Given this context, the report also explains what the Sharing Intelligence for Health & Care Group is doing in 2020–21, including some key messages about our work and intelligence sharing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updated: November 24, 2020