Training courses

Details of our online Good complaints Handling (GCH) course and our Complaints Investigation Skills (CIS) course are below. Our registration form links are available below.

Good Complaints Handling training course

Our Good Complaints Handling course is aimed at staff handling complaints at stage 1 of the Model Complaints Handling Procedure (MCHP) but would be useful for anyone involved in complaints handling looking to develop their knowledge. The course is self-guided with interactive opportunities to test your knowledge throughout. The course can be completed online in your own time and takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. It covers:

  • what a complaint is and isn’t, according to the MCHP
  • complaint outcomes, responses and record-keeping
  • good apologies
  • managing difficult behaviour

There is a quiz at the end of the course, which a minimum score is required to pass. On completion you will receive an SPSO accredited certificate, which will remain valid for two years. After this time, you will be able to retake the course for re-accreditation.

The course costs £40 per person and you can register through our Good Complaints Handling registration form. Payment is made via invoice and BACs transfer. We cannot facilitate credit card payments.

Payment must be received before you gain access to the course. For any questions, please contact [email protected].

Refunds/Cancellations: The full fee of the course per person is payable if the course is cancelled by the customer unless written notice of the cancellation is received at least 14 calendar days before the course.

Complaints Investigation Skills training course

Our online Complaints Investigation Skills course is available over two days on a quarterly basis throughout the business year. This course is aimed at staff who investigate complaints at stage 2 of the Model Complaints Handling procedure and will last approximately 5 hours long including breaks. The course is trainer-led and delivered online via Teams. It covers:

  • Preparing to investigate complaints: what people expect when complaining, influences on decision-making, summarising complaints, talking to complainants
  • Investigating complaints: planning your investigation, key questions to ask, identifying sources of information, evaluating evidence
  • Making and communicating decisions: good decision letters, meaningful apologies, appropriate remedies, learning from complaints.

This training course costs £85 per person and you can register through our Complaints Investigation Skills registration form. Payment is made via invoice and BACs transfer. We cannot facilitate credit card payments.

Places will be filled on a first come first serve basis so please submit your registration form at your earliest convenience for best chance at guaranteeing your organisation’s delegates a place. Please ensure to complete the registration form carefully, noting all dates suitable for each of your organisation’s delegates. There is no limit to the number of delegates you can register but each session has a maximum of 15 participants.

Dates for 2023/24 

  • Monday 26 February 2024 
  • Tuesday 27 February 2024

Dates for 2024/25 

  • Monday 3 June 2024 
  • Tuesday 4 June 2024
  • Tuesday 3 September 2024
  • Wednesday 4 September 2024
  • Monday 2 December 2024
  • Tuesday 3 December 2024
  • Tuesday 4 March 2025
  • Wednesday 5 March 2025

Please note that course registration closes one week before each session date for administration purposes. Any questions, please contact [email protected].

Refunds/Cancellations: The full fee of the course per person is payable if the course is cancelled by the customer unless written notice of the cancellation is received at least 14 calendar days before the course.

For regular updates, sign up to our enewsletter or follow us on Twitter (@SPSO_Ombudsman) or LinkedIn (Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Content of past courses

Who should attend?

This course is for managers, team leaders, complaints officers and any other staff involved in the investigation of complaints. The course aims to develop their awareness of what makes the experience of complaining a good one or a bad one and explores the investigation process from initial receipt to conclusion.

What will I learn?

The aims of this course are to help participants develop their skills in complaints investigation, specifically in:

  • defining and analysing complaints accurately
  • planning investigations and making best use of information
  • evaluating information and evidence and making sound decisions
  • communicating findings effectively
  • identifying ways of resolving complaints quickly and appropriately
  • overcoming common problems
How is the course run?

The style is interactive, using a variety of activities and materials. The first part of the day deals with good customer relations, using participants’ own experiences. Most of the day is centred around a case study based on a real complaint to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.

Participants will be asked to use their own expertise as well as drawing on that of the trainer. At each point in the process the presenter offers guidance and insights on applying the Ombudsman’s principles of good practice in investigating complaints.

What does it cost?

The cost is £180 per person.

Who Should Attend?

This course is for staff who have direct contact with members of the public and who receive complaints as part of their day-to-day work.  Frontline staff can play a vital role in the early resolution of complaints.  This course aims to help them to make the most of the potential in their roles.

What will I learn?

The aims of this course are to help participants to:

  • identify complaints early and get them on the right track
  • develop their understanding of what generates customer satisfaction
  • identify what makes the experience of complaining a good or bad one
  • build their confidence in dealing with complaints
  • recognise their role within the authority in handling and resolving complaints
How is the course run?

The course is interactive, using a variety of activities and materials including:

  • participants’ experience of making complaints and our experience of what can go wrong
  • research findings on what contributes to customer satisfaction
  • practical exercises including a case study to identify and resolve service failures
  • a troubleshooting exercise to consider the problems staff encounter and possible solutions

Who should attend?

Staff who might receive negative feedback from the public or other stakeholders.

What will I learn?

• why people complain and what they want to achieve by complaining
• how people react in situations of conflict and how this can give rise to behaviours that cause problems
• ways to de-escalate potential complaints and look at what can go wrong when concerns are responded to badly
• how an unacceptable actions policy (or equivalent) can be helpful in dealing with situations which become difficult

Participants will be given an opportunity to assess their own conflict styles and develop ways of managing their own personal ‘triggers’. We will consider a number of different theories and tools that can be helpful in managing conflict. The session will include a number of opportunities to put theory into practice and participants will be able to discuss their own particular concerns.


Updated: January 26, 2024